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How to measure

Items you will need to measure your yard:


  • A 25’ or 30’ measuring tape / 100’ measuring tape (optional – useful for fence line measuring). It helps to ask someone to hold one end of the tape while you hold the other and write down the measurements while they call them out to you

  • ¼” graph paper. Important: Each square on the ¼” graph paper will equal 2 feet. Use the graph paper when you prepare the final drawing (see final drawing below). Note: Graph paper is not essential; if you know how to use an architect’s scale you can use that to prepare the 1/8” drawing for us. Click here if you need a graph paper download.

  • Blank paper and a pencil.


How to do it:


  • Prepare a rough sketch (below). You will use this sketch to record the measurements of your house and yard. It is a quick sketch, drawn freehand. 

  • Once you have finished writing down your measurements you can prepare your final drawing (below right) at a scale of 1/8” = 1’ – 0” using the graph paper. 

  • Transfer the measurements to your graph paper. Important: Each square on the ¼” graph paper will equal 2 feet. A front yard or a back yard will usually fit on an 8 ½ X 11 sheet of paper and often you will need to turn it horizontally to make the yard fit on the page. You can tape together two pieces of graph paper together if you need more room. 

Rough Sketch

rough sketch.PNG

Scaled Plan

How to Measure drawing.jpeg

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Living Landscape Design

office: 831.235.1886

Proudly serving Santa Clara County since 1995

California Landscape Architect License #'s 3645 + 5784

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